Current Initiatives

Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Navigating my Christ-mess: Lessons Learned and Elevating the Year Ahead

My recent Christ-mess experience led me to ponder the expectations imposed by capitalism and the patriarchy daily. The relentless push to spend and do more creates a perpetual sense of inadequacy, impacting our well-being. It seems to be a pattern I fall into at Christmas but one I’m determined to break.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Trauma of Modern Life: Navigating Today's Turbulent Waters

There’s undeniably a collective heaviness all around us that is impacting the whole world right now. Are you feeling it too? If you are, know that you're not alone. Before I delved into the world of trauma, I often wondered if there was something wrong with me, if I simply wasn't tough enough to navigate the modern world's challenges. Today, I want to talk more about the trauma of the modern world. Yes, it's a real thing, and it's affecting us more than we might realize. Let's unpack this together and explore some practical ways to navigate these turbulent times with grace and resilience.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Myth of Having it All: Time to Embrace What Truly Matters

Do you ever feel like you're in a never-ending pursuit of "having it all"? In a world that glorifies those with big passions and even bigger purposes, it's easy to get caught up in the chase for more. For years, I too was ensnared in this relentless quest. Fixated on my business, focused on the next milestone, and constantly pondering what more I should be doing. But one day, it hit me like a ton of bricks: I wasn't truly living; I was merely existing in the future, neglecting the precious present. Here’s what I did about it.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Trauma-Informed Leadership: Navigating Decision-Making with Resilience

In my journey through the world of international development and social change, and then working as a trauma informed coach, I've encountered countless individuals with inspiring stories of resilience and a deep drive to make a positive impact on the world. Many of them, like myself, have lived through trauma and adversity, which fuels their passion for change. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that unaddressed trauma can significantly affect our decision-making processes, potentially hindering the progress we're striving to achieve. Here’s a few tips on how to deal with trauma and make better decisions.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Navigating the Balance: Individual and Collective Resiliency vs System Change

This article explores the tug of war between focusing on our internal resiliency through self-improvement, healing and personal growth, trauma work and the imperative need to transform systemic issues like capitalism, racism and the patriarchy – and the structures that are grounded in them that feel like they weren't built for anyone's well-being.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Resourced Leaders Guide #4: Cultivating Resilience

In international development and social change, we're all about building resilience in the communities we serve. Yet, often we overlook our own resilience as leaders. For years, I held the belief that resilience was predominantly nurtured through self-care practices. And let me be clear, self-care is an absolute cornerstone of personal well-being. It's about carving out time for yoga, meditation, long walks, bubble baths, coaching, therapy, exercise or whatever nourishes your soul. However, as my journey unfolded, I uncovered a crucial missing piece in building resilience- nervous system regulation.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Resourced Leaders Guide #3: The Power of Boundaries

This week, we delve into the vital theme of boundaries. In all my years of helping individuals navigate challenges and pursue personal growth, one thing has become crystal clear - boundaries, coupled with effective communication, are not just the heart of most problems people come to see me with but also the solution. I’m going to share what I’ve learned in my own life about boundaries and how I support myself and others to harness the power of boundaries for resourced leadership.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Resourced Leaders Guide #2: Nurturing Authentic Leadership

This week, we delve into the vital theme of authentic leadership and its significance across various domains. Authentic leadership isn't just a buzzword; it's a beacon that guides us towards fostering genuine connections, building thriving teams, and creating meaningful impact. In the spheres of international development, social change, and business, authenticity acts as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

The Resourced Leaders Guide: #1

Welcome to "The Resourced Leaders Guide: Navigating Success with Ease and Flow" – your weekly source of trauma-informed insights, tools and teaching designed to empower transformative leadership and holistic living. Grounded in the mission of "Empowering Transformation Through Trauma-Informed Guidance and Authentic Growth," this newsletter is a compass on your journey towards embodying resourced leadership.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Reimagining Personal Power and Sustainability in International Development and Social Change

A tragic irony exists in the worlds of international development and social change. Those who give so much of themselves to support, empower, and shelter others. We’re often the last to take care of ourselves. We push through personal struggles for the greater good, giving and giving until there’s nothing left. Along the way, we lose our personal power. We hand it over to those around us. This can feel like a labor of love, sacrificing in the name of a good cause. But I’ve found a different narrative through years of struggle. A narrative about personal power. Today, I’d like to look at the ways this tragic irony is robbing international development and social change of its most powerful resource: you. Plus how in turn this negatively impacts those you are trying to help. Are you unintentionally disempowering others? Then, I’ll offer some helpful ways to regain your personal power.

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