Living on Purpose: Embracing the Present Moment

Have you ever felt the relentless pressure to discover and fulfill your life's grand purpose? In today's world, we're bombarded with the notion that we should constantly strive for something greater, something more significant than ourselves. For years, I, too, was caught in this never-ending quest, relentlessly chasing the elusive "big purpose."

The pursuit was all-consuming, and I became fixated on achieving this grand purpose. I poured my time and energy into this endeavor, believing that I needed to do more, be more, and accomplish more to find true fulfillment. The present moment became a mere stepping stone on my path to this all-encompassing purpose.

But somewhere along the way, I had an awakening. I realized that, in my ceaseless striving, I had lost sight of the present. I was so focused on reaching the destination that I forgot to enjoy the journey itself. I constantly felt like I was falling short, that I wasn't doing enough, and that I needed to be more.

That's when I made a conscious choice to shift my perspective. Instead of endlessly searching for a grand purpose, I decided to live on purpose. For me, this meant reconnecting with what truly matters and aligning my actions with my values. I rediscovered the joy of being in nature, connecting with myself and others, teaching, and writing—simple yet meaningful activities that brought purpose to my daily life.

Living on purpose isn't about striving for greatness or seeking external validation. It's about being present to what is, embracing the everyday moments, and finding fulfillment in the here and now. We don't need to constantly chase elusive purposes to lead meaningful lives.

In our society, we often idealize those with grand purposes, but the truth is, it's not the reality for everyone. Ego can get in the way, convincing us that we should always aim to be bigger and better. However, living on purpose means recognizing that true contentment can be found in the simplicity of life's everyday moments.

So, I invite you to consider this shift in perspective. Instead of relentlessly striving for a purpose, try living each day on purpose—aligning your actions with your values, relishing the present, and finding fulfillment in the beauty of life as it unfolds.

For me this means making sure I’m taking time in nature, exploring new places, connecting with myself and others and teaching. These are the things that really matter to me.

What would living on purpose look like for you?

How would your life change if you focused on living on purpose instead of striving to find more purpose?


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