I know how to help 

because I’ve been there. 


Hi, I’m Kate

Did you grow up with a dream of changing the world? Did you picture your work and your life filled with passion, energy and enthusiasm? 

Then somewhere along the way you lost the magic. You began to feel so tired, frustrated and stuck. You continue to work harder and longer but it never feels like you’re doing enough.



 You are not alone. I know what this feels like. 

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I spent the more than 20 years traveling the world and working with under resourced communities. My job was to create opportunity where there wasn’t any and to address a profound lack of resources for the most vulnerable groups in society. 

I woke up one day finding myself burnt out, jaded and frustrated. 


I began to realize how my own fears and scarcity mentality had shaped my life. I had such a desire to help others, but it often came at the expense of myself, my time and my energy. I was a massive people pleaser and terrible at saying no. I found myself constantly working harder and longer to have an impact


When my mum was diagnosed with cancer, I knew something had to change. By transforming my mindset and reimagining how to take care of myself, I started to think differently about how to have more impact without sacrificing myself. I began applying these principles to my international development work and began to support the men and women I was working with two transform their lives in a truly different way. 

Many leaders and change makers trying to help others face the same challenges. The “lack” leaders have to overcome the lack of time, energy, or funding. But the principles are the same. Our own attitude towards lack impacts our ability to help others with theirs. 



By reconnecting with your value and your purpose, you can begin to recapture your dreams.

 You can set aside stress and anxiety. And you can change the world with more ease, make more money AND do more good. 

 Are you ready to create great change?