Find more ease and flow

You deserve to wake up everyday excited about your life and have the impact you’ve always wanted

Why do I need a coach?

One of the most unique and frustrating aspects of the human experience is that our mind does not like change. It wants to keep us safe and comfortable so it makes up stories about who we are and what we should be doing that don’t serve us.

The problem is, once we form a mindset or once we are stuck in an unhealthy pattern, it can be nearly impossible to identify and change that mindset or pattern.

We are often too close to the mindset or pattern to see it clearly causing us to hit the snooze button on progress. We form justifications and excuses that cloud the way forward. Avoiding change and pain is one of the biggest motivators of our mind.

Working with a coach can be a much more efficient way to manage change. As an outsider - one with decades of experience, effective and practical tools, combined with strong intuition -I’m perfectly placed to support you.

My superpower is my ability to quickly address the real root of what’s holding you back, keeping you accountable and working with you to make real, lasting transformations. 

Unlike your mind, my job is to serve you and not to please you. It’s about stretching you outside of your comfort zone so you can grow and create more of what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does coaching work?

Coaching gives you a supportive space to discuss the challenges that are holding you back.

When we begin working together, we will identify the outcomes you want to create. My approach to coaching is focused on identifying your needs in the moment and working through your most pressing concerns. I use a combination of techniques including conversation, mindfulness practices, energy work, hypnosis, and simple reframing exercises, combined with my strong intuition to help you see life's obstabcles from a different angle. I am a Certified Trauma Support Specialist so all my work is trauma informed, drawing on a Salutogenic approach.

Individual sessions take place bi-weekly over the phone. And I make myself available via text and email to my one-on-one cleints inbetween sessions for ongoing support.

I also conduct group workshops and retreats and provide training for businesses and organizations.

Can't I figure out my own mindset?

Some people do. But one of the most unique and frustrating aspects of the human experience is that once we form a mindset, it can be nearly impossible to identify and change that mindset.

We're often too close to the mindset to see it clearly, and we form justifications or excuses that cloud the way forward. We hit the snooze button on progress. We also develop blind spots and our beliefs act as screens or filters. We don't necessarily believe what we see, but rather we see what we already believe. Belief creates actual fact. Often this process is unconscious.

Yes, if you dedicate a lot of time and energy, you might be able to identify thoughts thaat are holding you back. But working with a coach can be a much more efficient way to manage towards change. The good thing about beliefs is they are changebale.

My ability to help you address the real root of the problem quickly is what makes my work so powerful. I also help keep you accountable, and work with you to make real, lasting transformation fast.

What do we discuss?

Whatever is present for you today.

I believe that once a person commits to the healing and growth process, the unconscious mind brings forward the most critical needs. So the shape and flow of every session is different. It's based on what you need that day. We work within a coaching container over a number of months and in each session I will always meet you where you are at.

When we begin together we will identify the outcomes you want to create. But by avoiding preconceived notions, we can begin to uncover whhat you are currently experiencing. We can then discuss whether this experience is ideal, and what is holding you back for creating the outcomes you want. This is a critical step.

Once we identify barriers to change, we can begin the work of moving toward your desired outcome. The life you want to be living.

Each session I will teach you tools and techniques you can take away with you and use to support your ongoing growth and make lasting change.

Who is this coaching for?

This coaching is for anyone who want to create more ease and freedom in their lives at work and at home. I work with a range of men and women all over the globe.

The tie that binds my clients together is a desire for change. A drive to take back their time, their energy and their passion. To take back their lives. A drive to take care of themselves and their family AND have a big impact in the world

We will focus on some of the most personal aspects of your life. How you interact with friends, family and co-workers. How you structure self-talk. And how you approach obstacles that arise in your life. How you make decisions in your business.

Please note: I only work with adults 18 years old and above.

What will I walk away with?

Your time and resources are valuble. That's why you're seeking out coaching. So the last thing you need are sessions that don't lead anywhere.

This coaching is about freeing up your time and energy by focusing on what matters most. We accomplish this by focusing on your mindset, your energy and, importantly, actionable tools you can use when you run into a roadblock.

Based on my year's of experience working with leaders and communities around the world to address a profound lack of resources, I have a unique understanding of the key mistakes and challenges many leaders and business owners are experiencing. I draw upon a specific combination of tools and techniques to help my clients get lasting results FAST.

"I had done traditional talk therapy for many many years and accomplished very little. I was stuck and felt that it just wasn’t working for me. The guilt and shame that I have been able to release in just a few session together with Kate has changed and transformed my life" - Julie

"Kate has become an essential part of my life. Not just for her coaching but for her ability to get right to the bones of what you’re feeling. She has helped me more in the short amount of time that I have known her than 20 years of therapists, counselors and psychologists". Dee

Do you work with Businesses and Organizations?

Yes! Some of my best clients are companies looking to train their leaders in mindset and resource management or to help them with better self care.

When it comes to corporate clients, I take the samee principles that inform my one-on-one coaching containers and craft them into a series of coaching tools. I then provide step-by-step instructions on how business leaders can deploy these tools to support and encourage their teams.

I lead workshops and training and also work one on one with staff.

Please reach out to discuss.

"Kate helped me trust what I have to offer as a coach. As a result I showed up fully and took more risks and its a virtuous cycle from there on. This has been amazing. Probably my favorite! I feel so much freedom and joy when I’m coaching now, whereas before I felt pressure to perform. My coaching has gone from 3/10 to 9/10. Through her training, Kate also helped our team trust themselves as coaches and grow in their self awareness. Kate is outstanding at building capability using simple tools and experiential learning. She holds space and meets people where they are at. She is a flexible partner who is able to manage risks and problem solve together. Most of all Kate delivers results with clients very quickly and is easily able to identify and address their core challenges." Anna, The Difference Incubator.

“Kate is amazing. Over the few months I worked with her she helped me break old habits and patterns and embrace new possibilities in both my personal and professional life. She got me through a real rough patch with work and I emerged stronger and more confident in my voice and the decisions I make. I highly recommend Kate Wilson to anyone who is looking to make changes in their life.”

— Suzanne

“I have been working with Kate since Nov 2018 and am amazed with the results. Kate has really been instrumental in the transformation of my thought process. I am beyond thankful to have reached out to her. The way that Kate provides guidance is magical, she definitely has a special gift. I initially sought a coach to help with challenges I was being faced at work, but was able to take what Kate taught and apply it to all areas of my life. I highly recommend Kate to anyone who needs some help with creating a clear path in their life.”

— Katie

 Schedule Free Discovery Call

We’ll meet over the phone to talk about where you are, what you’re working on and where you’re going. 

We work together to find what’s right for you.

You deserve to wake up everyday excited about what you do and have the impact you’ve always wanted

But feelings of self-doubt, stress, overthinking and pleasing others affects your entire life - the way you engage with your family, tackle your impactful work and feel about life.


The world we live in is getting more complex by the day. Society is too. We're constantly juggling the new and the complicated. We're having to make a million tiny decisions every day and balance different roles and responsibilities. It’s easy to get stuck in our head and allow self-doubt and our inner critic to lead the way.

Modern society puts so much pressure on our time and resources. We often feel like there's never enough - time, money, energy to do what we really want.

So many of us feel stuck, disconnected and depleted. No matter where we chose to put our energy, we feel guilty that we are not doing enough, especially for our family and kids.

No one is born feeling exhausted. Children engage with the world with recklessness that many of us adults envy. They look at the world with fresh eyes, every situation a new opportunity to learn and interact.


When did we lose that child-like wonder? When did life become such a chore?


Over time, and without warning, we stop seeing the beauty in everyday life. We get dragged down by society's rules, expectations and obligations or the pressure of ‘making money’.

We focus on pleasing others and keeping them ‘safe’, keeping ourselves small, instead of focusing on what we really want and need.

It's exhausting to be exhausted. We don't even feel like we can tackle change because there is so much else going on. 

Deep down, we want to approach life’s tasks with the enthusiasm of a child. We want to light up at the smallest discovery. We want to feel alive and that our life is our own. That our choices come from within us and that we control our decisions and resources, not the other way around. 


The good news is you CAN break the cycle. It’s just a matter of knowing what to do.

It’s time for a change

This is for you if… 

  • You’re tired of following the rules and doing everything ‘right’ to grow your business/organization or to make a difference in the world but you’re still not feeling satisfied or seeing the results you really want. The hustle is exhausting.

  • Self-doubt, indecision, and overthinking are costing you time, energy, and money. It’s getting in the way of you having more impact or growing your business with ease.

  • You struggle with people pleasing and over giving

  • You spend a lot of time in your head trying to figure things out but it’s not working anymore.

  • You want to be experiencing more ease and flow and have more impact in the world without working harder but you don’t know how

  • You’ve lost sight of your dreams and feel stuck, overextended and exhausted

  • You’re ready to reclaim your time, energy and real direction and learn how to trust your unique way of doing business or creating an impact in the world

You are ready to learn and grow so you can deliver your highest impact in the world in a way that is in alignment with your unique gifts and values

What clients are saying

“Kate has a natural ability for compassion and understanding. She takes, what can seem like the most complex situations humans face, and help us turn inward to rediscover who we are and who we are meant to be. She helped me declutter areas of my life, that I had been attempting to do myself for many years. It kept stacking and I knew change was needed. Kate absolutely put me back on the right path within months and I now feel like a renewed person with her time, patience, knowledge and acceptance.”

— Lindsay

“I had done traditional talk therapy for many many years and accomplished very little. I was stuck and felt that it just wasn’t working for me. The guilt and shame that I have been able to release in just a few session together with Kate has changed and transformed my life”

— Julie

“Before starting coaching with Kate my self confidence was very low. With Kate’s help I found my confidence and was able to build it. Before I started working with Kate I didn’t have the courage to pursue a better and more creative career. With Kate’s help I was able to find a dream job that I love and look forward to going every day. My relationship with my wife is also much stronger and we are closer than we have ever been before. I feel so much better about myself. All around my life has changed for the better.“

— Sean