The Power of Nervous System Regulation, My Journey and Insights: The Resourced Leaders Guide #5

Hello, Resourced Leaders community! Today, I want to talk about nervous system regulation. My journey with this concept has been quite the adventure. While I've had my fair share of coaching, therapy, and energy healing which undoubtedly provided valuable insights into my inner workings, it wasn't until I started delving deeper into trauma coaching that things truly clicked for me.

Additionally, my pursuit of becoming a certified Trauma of Money Coach has offered me a fresh perspective on how various environmental factors can impact our nervous systems. For me, these environmental factors include the unique energy and challenges of living in the United States, like soaring health insurance and health care costs, the omnipresent threat of mass shootings, and the unpredictable political climate. As someone who had always called Australia home, this transition wasn't without its struggles.

Some days, I've found it quite challenging not to blame myself for my heightened anxiety or sensitivities. I'd wonder if there was something inherently wrong with me, or if I was simply "too sensitive" to thrive in this fast-paced American environment.

However, as I've ventured further down this path of self-discovery, I've come to a profound realization: sensitivity can be an incredible gift when understood and harnessed correctly. It's a testament to our capacity for empathy and deep connection, and it's something I'm learning to treasure because it helps me help others around me. I’m able to deeply connect with the people I serve.

But why is nervous system regulation important, not just for me but for all of us in our everyday lives and as part of being a Resourced Leader?

Nervous System Regulation: Your Resilience Anchor

Nervous system regulation is the foundation upon which our resilience is built. It's the ability to bounce forward, not just bounce back, in the face of life's challenges. It's not about being impervious to stress or pain; it's about having the tools to navigate these experiences with grace.

In recent times, living through a global pandemic and political division has placed unprecedented stress on our nervous systems. The anxieties about our health, the economy, political instability, loss, grief, and the inability to connect with loved ones due to travel restrictions have left many of us feeling overwhelmed.

Nervous system regulation offers a lifeline during these turbulent times. It's not about avoiding stress or ignoring what’s going on around us but about developing a capacity to respond to it in healthier ways. It's akin to strengthening a muscle that helps us adapt, stay grounded, and maintain our well-being, even in the midst of chaos.

Why Do We Need Nervous System Regulation?

Imagine your nervous system as the control center of your body and mind. It's responsible for processing all external and internal stimuli, from the soft breeze against your skin to the thoughts racing through your mind. During times of stress, your nervous system can shift into "fight or flight" mode, where it's hyper-vigilant and ready to respond to perceived threats. The problem with our modern world, the level of division we are seeing and the 24-7 news cycle, is that we are constantly exposed to things that our nervous system perceives as being threatening. Your mind and your nervous system are linked. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between what is actually happening and something you might be thinking about, watching or feeling. Your thoughts and memories can trigger our nervous system in the same way that an actual event can.

While responding to actual events and situations is essential for survival, living in a constant state of high alert because of your thoughts or what’s happening around you can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical health. It can lead to burnout, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and even physical illnesses.

Nervous system regulation, on the other hand, helps you downshift from this heightened state. It teaches your nervous system that it's safe to relax, that not every challenge is an existential threat. It's about finding balance and enhancing your resilience by developing the ability to recover from stress more efficiently.

Top Things to Know About Nervous System Regulation and Resourced Leadership

  1. It's the Bedrock of Resilience: Nervous system regulation is the foundation upon which resilience is built. Resilience isn't about avoiding stress but having the capacity to navigate it effectively. It's the ability to bounce forward, not just bounce back, in the face of challenges.

  2. It’s not the same as self care: Self-care and nervous system regulation are closely intertwined yet distinct concepts. Self-care encompasses a wide range of intentional practices aimed at nurturing overall well-being, while nervous system regulation hones in on managing stress responses and achieving emotional balance. In essence, self-care is the broader umbrella that includes activities from exercise to spending time with loved ones, while nervous system regulation targets practices like deep breathing and mindfulness that specifically aid in calming the nervous system's reactions to stressors. Together, they form a holistic approach to maintaining mental and emotional health. Nervous system regulation is often more focused on reactive self-care, helping you return to a state of equilibrium when stress disrupts your well-being.

  3. It's Not About Perfection: Nervous system regulation doesn't mean you'll never experience stress or overwhelm. It's about having the tools to recover and return to a state of balance more efficiently. It's not perfection; it's progress.

  4. Past Trauma Matters: Our nervous systems carry the imprints of past traumas. Recognizing and addressing these traumas is a crucial step toward effective regulation. Unresolved trauma can keep your nervous system stuck in a state of fight or flight.

  5. The environment around you matters: When the environment feels safe, nurturing, and supportive, your nervous system is more likely to enter a regulated, balanced state. Conversely, when the environment is filled with constant stressors, your nervous system can become dysregulated, leading to feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and exhaustion. For some people who experience systemic discrimination it can be challenging to find spaces that feel nurturing and supportive.

  6. Somatic Practices Are Powerful: Somatic practices, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, yoga, or gentle movement, can be potent tools for regulating your nervous system. These practices help you reconnect with your body and cultivate self-awareness.

  7. Self-Compassion is Vital: Be kind to yourself on this journey. Nervous system regulation is a skill that takes time to develop. It's about nurturing yourself through the process and understanding that setbacks are a natural part of growth.

In resourced leadership, the ability to regulate your nervous system empowers you to lead with greater clarity, empathy, and resilience. It allows you to navigate complex challenges while maintaining your well-being and supporting those around you. Remember, it's a journey, not a destination, and every step forward is a step toward becoming a more effective and compassionate leader.

A Simple Nervous System Regulation Exercise: Grounding in the Present

Here's a more in-depth nervous system regulation exercise you can try to help you find your balance:

  1. Comfortable Seating: Find a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. You can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or sit cross-legged on the floor – choose what feels best for you.

  2. Closing Your Eyes: If you're comfortable doing so, gently close your eyes.

  3. Breath Awareness:Begin by taking several deep, intentional breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Feel the rise and fall of your chest and belly with each breath.

  4. Connecting with Your Senses: Start to tune in to your body. Feel your feet firmly planted on the ground or the support of the chair beneath you. Notice any sounds in your environment without judgment.

  5. Visualization: Imagine roots extending from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. Visualize these roots anchoring you, providing stability and support.

  6. Connect: See if you can notice where the energy of your power is in your body. Breathe into that power and allow it to spread throughout your body.

  7. Stay Present: Continue to focus on your breath and the sensations in your body for a few more breaths. Whenever you're ready, slowly open your eyes.

Nervous system regulation is not only a powerful tool for personal growth and resilience, but it's also an essential skill for navigating the complexities of our world. In these challenging times, it's more critical than ever to prioritize your well-being and develop the capacity to thrive, regardless of external circumstances.

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