Current Initiatives

Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Why you need to get rid of your “Why”

We’ve just been through a global pandemic. More and more people have begun to recognize the limitations of Capitalism and we are being told we must live a purpose driven life to be happy. We must have a “Why” otherwise, what’s the point? I wonder…is this any better than Capitalism or is it just Capitalism 2.0? Have we merely swaped one all-consuming pursuit that makes us feel like we’re never doing enough for another?

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

How getting out of your head helps you make better decisions

Think through your problems. That’s the mantra of the day. The advice given to every person who runs up against a brick wall in their life. The solution to your life’s dilemmas, we’re all told, is to think. Think. Think. Think. And, inevitably, this advice leads to a chronic case of over-thinking. We get caught in the circles of our mind, convinced that another lap will lead to the breakthrough we so desperately seek. What if there was another, easier way?

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

What would a more Feminist Approach to Strategic Planning look like?

Recently, I was asked a simple question by a consultant colleague. “What would a more feminist strategic planning process look like?” As we know, traditional strategic planning processes are often grounded in a patriarchal and capitalistic view of the world and need repair. However, the question forced me to step back and consider more broadly, how can we transform the process? I decided to start by documenting what I’ve intuitively known and practiced for years … that a focus on mindset, connection and inner reflection in planning is needed.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

How to overcome fear, anxiety and overwhelm?

Fear and anxiety are running wild in our world today. Our sympathetic nervous systems are in overdrive. We can’t change the world events around us. And we don’t know how to process them as they’re happening. People are struggling to cope. But there’s good news. A tool you can use to speak directly to your sympathetic nervous system and improve your mental health.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Embracing the Wisdom of Cycles

Capitalism, the patriarchy, and hustle culture have led us to believe that our output and energy levels should be the same every day. That we should be constantly pushing for productivity. Always striving to do more. We get a similar message from the health industry. You should be energetic, happy, and healthy all the time. No exceptions. This always-on culture obscures the truth. That life comes in cycles. Learn how to embrace yours and see the benefits flow.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Our society is experiencing a plague of self-doubt. COVID launched a wave of decisions that had to be made. More and more every day. And with the pandemic surging, even the tiniest decision felt like life-or-death. Now, the pandemic has subsided but the decisions haven’t gone away. There’s a war in Ukraine. Rising inflation. Concerns over the economy. And the decisions keep piling up. It’s no surprise that self-doubt is on the rise.

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Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

How the Mind Works

Despite putting it to good use each and every day, many of us have little idea how our minds really work. We can solve complex business problems, but still feel like a failure on the inside. We can conquer tall mountains, but still feel like there’s more out there that needs to be done.

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