Elevate your journey with trauma-informed coaching that not only understands your challenges but empowers you to overcome them, creating a path to unparalleled success, freedom and fulfillment.

Hi I’m Kate,

If you’re like me, you’re committed to achieving professional excellence and making a positive impact in the world. 

We face so many challenges trying to achieve our dream of changing the world that sometimes we find ourselves jaded, tired, and burnt out along the way: People-pleasing, not setting boundaries, feeling like there’s never enough time or money, and self-doubt, erode our ability to be successful.

You need a coach that can help you. I have a holistic approach grounded in the work that I’ve done with leaders and communities all around the world. Conventional therapy, frankly, doesn’t address your needs. If you had a coach with special training and experience in trauma informed resiliency and even trauma of money, who could help you understand why you do what you do and change it, you could be more successful.

How it Works

If you’re thinking now about learning more, I have a 3-step process:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: An in-depth assessment is essential: Whether it's stress, burnout, people-pleasing, boundary struggles, self-doubt, procrastination, inability to follow through or money-related traumas, I help you identify the root of your situation. This assessment works for both individuals and organizations. I help you identify why you do what you do as well as strengths you can build upon to create positive change.

  2. Customized Coaching Blueprint: Your coaching plan MUST align with both your personal and/or your organization’s objectives to have any value. Just some of the issues I deal with for my client’s with great success are managing overwhelming workloads, achieving better work-life balance, building confidence, setting healthy boundaries, and addressing money-related traumas.

  3. Psycho-education for Understanding: Most coaches ignore this critical component. Knowing why you do what you do, and focusing on understanding your nervous system's responses over mere behavior change is essential. I’ve found that understanding why your current responses to stress are normal actually leads to more lasting change.

Whether as an individual or an organization, I give you the tools you MUST HAVE to regulate your nervous system, deal with stress, navigate people-pleasing, set firm boundaries, conquer self-doubt, and address any money-related challenges.

Let's connect today to learn more about how you can have a fulfilling life, or a workplace culture where goals are easily achieved.

P.S. Act now, and schedule a no-obligation free consultation. It's time to make a difference. My goal is to empower you to align with your values, rediscover your unique strengths, and make a positive impact in both your professional and personal spheres.

 What clients are saying



I know what this feels like 
because this was me. 

As a successful business owner and former people pleaser I know what it feels like to be caught up in an endless cycle of self doubt, trying to take care of everyone and everything and making sure that everyone is happy. I grew up with a dream of changing the world and for more than 20 years I have worked with leaders across Asia and the Pacific to tackle poverty and to create positive economic and social change. But for part of this time I had crippling self doubt and I was caught in a constant hustle to do and be more until I unlocked the secret to changing these unhealthy patterns.

The good news is that you CAN stop wasting time, energy and money because of self doubt, indecision and people pleasing and have more impact without continuing to feel overextended and exhausted. It’s just a matter of knowing what to do...

Through my in-depth work with leaders and communities around the world, I discovered that nearly all leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers are making the same mistakes in relation to their resources, preventing them from having the impact they really want.

Through my work at Resources Reimagined I discovered what it really takes to address these challenges and resource yourself and your business.

Pacific RISE was proud to host gender experts from Samoa Fiji and Vanuatu in Fiji.JPG

By helping people to understand their REAL challenges and then helping them to reset their nervous system, and transform their mindset, the people I have worked with have transformed their lives. I can work with you to make this change and make it easily and FAST.

 Schedule Free Discovery Call

Stop overthinking and trying so hard to figure out how to do or be more.

Reclaim your time, energy and resources. Discover your unique way of changing the world

As Seen On


This is for you if:

You want to reduce overwhelm and stress: You have an overwhelming workload and responsibilities, leading to high levels of stress. You are struggling to balance multiple priorities, resulting in a constant feeling of pressure and exhaustion.

You want to unlock more time: Your demanding role and responsibilities leave you with little time for personal pursuits, hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones. This lack of time has you feeling frustrated and resentful with a desire for more freedom and flexibility.

You want tools to address burnout and fatigue: Continuous success and achievement have come at the cost of your well-being, leading to burnout and fatigue. You feel drained and disconnected from your values, passions and sense of purpose.

You want better work-life balance: Achieving work-life balance is challenging for you. You may struggle to disconnect from work, leading to difficulties in maintaining healthy boundaries and relationships outside of your professional life.

You want more fulfillment: Despite your success, you feel a lack of fulfillment or a sense that something is missing in your life. You yearn for more meaningful experiences and a deeper sense of purpose beyond your professional achievements.

You want more confidence: While on the outside you are successful you still struggle with people pleasing, self-doubt and find it hard to maintain good boundaries.

You want to make a difference: You’re already successful but you also have a strong desire to make a difference beyond financial success, and create positive change in your community

You want holistic support: Maybe therapy did not work for you. You are looking for coaching that takes a holistic approach, is trauma informed and addresses the interconnectedness of your personal well-being, with the many hats you wear and your overarching success.

This is for those who are committed to growing and learning so you can deliver your highest impact in the world in a way that is in alignment with your unique gifts and values.