Leading for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Training

Are you ready to become a catalyst for change and create a more equitable world? Welcome to Transformative Leadership: Leading for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, a groundbreaking training program that goes beyond traditional approaches to empower leaders like you to drive meaningful and lasting impact. This program is not just another leadership course or another technical gender training. It is a transformative personal journey that combines powerful coaching techniques, regenerative approaches, deep personal reflection, and trauma informed techniques to equip you with the mindset, skills, and understanding needed to lead for gender equality and social change effectively. You will learn how to empower and coach yourself and others to lead for change.

Where: Online via Zoom

Dates: Next round starting October 2023

Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm MST USA / 9:00am-11:00am AET Australia

Facilitator: Kate Nethercott Wilson

See below for more information and to register or email to join the waitlist.


  • You are a passionate social change leader dedicated to advancing gender equality and creating a more inclusive world.

  • You are a gender specialist who wants to move beyond traditional technical advice approaches and learn how to coach and empower others so they can tap into their own wisdom and knowledge.

  • You want to go beyond traditional leadership approaches and explore transformative methods to drive meaningful and lasting impact.

  • You are seeking a training program that combines coaching techniques, regenerative approaches, and personal reflection to empower you as a leader.

  • You recognize the importance of healing, personal growth, and self-care in effective leadership and want to cultivate resilience for sustained impact.

  • You are ready to learn the powerful 7-Question Coaching Framework and enhance your ability to inspire and empower others for gender equality and social inclusion.


  • A deep understanding of the power of mindset and self-awareness, enabling you to unlock your full potential as a leader for gender equality and social inclusion.

  • Healing practices and strategies to address personal and collective traumas, challenge internalized patriarchy, and nurture resilience.

  • Practical tools and insights to navigate power dynamics, intersectionality, unconscious bias, and promote inclusive leadership.

  • A greater sense of personal wellbeing, resilience and power within yourself

  • Knowledge and strategies to drive organizational change, create inclusive cultures, and advocate for policy influence in the pursuit of gender equality and social inclusion.

  • Coaching techniques to support others to tap in to their own wisdom and solutions so you can break free being the expert and instead harness the skills that draw out the knowledge of others.

  • A community of likeminded peer support.

Here’s An Overview of What You Can Expect.

Week 1: Introduction to Leading for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

  • Exploring a regenerative, strengths-based coaching approach and its benefits for leadership for gender equality

  • Introduction to Salutogenic Leadership

  • Understanding how the mind works

  • Introduction to the power of mindset in leadership

Week 2: Addressing Fear and Resistance

  • Identifying fear as a barrier to leading for gender equality and social inclusion

  • Understanding the different manifestations of fear and the impact on how we lead

  • Developing strategies to address and overcome fear

  • Cultivating self-awareness of personal strengths and resources

Week 3: The 7 Questions Coaching Framework

  • Introduction to the 7-question coaching framework

  • Learning how to ask powerful and transformative questions

  • Applying the framework to promote gender equality in leadership contexts

Week 4: The Four Types of Power

  • Overview of power dynamics and their impact on gender equality

  • Exploring the four types of power: power to, power within, power with and power over

  • Recognizing and leveraging power for positive change

Week 5: Trauma-Informed Leadership

  • Understanding the impact of trauma on individuals and communities

  • Cultivating self-awareness and addressing personal and collective traumas

  • Developing trauma-informed approaches in leadership.

Week 6: Challenging Internalized Patriarchy

  • Recognizing and unpacking internalized patriarchy

  • Recognizing and addressing unconscious biases that hinder gender equality.

Week 7: Healing and Personal Growth

  • Cultivating self-reflection and personal growth for effective leadership

  • Exploring healing practices and resilience-building techniques

  • Nurturing well-being and self-care in the pursuit of gender equality

  • Identifying and leveraging individual and collective strengths

Week 8: Cultivating Empathy and Compassion: Developing empathetic and compassionate leadership skills for fostering gender equality

  • Discuss the different types of empathy, and their applications in promoting understanding, connection, and inclusivity in leadership.

  • Explore ways to integrate compassion into leadership practices, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution strategies.

Week 9: Leadership in Action

  • Lead in alignment with your core values

  • Exploring the importance of mentorship and sponsorship in advancing gender equality.

  • Reflecting on the transformative journey and setting intentions for continued growth

*This training outline is indicative only and will be adapted if necessary to best serve the needs of the group as the program is implemented.

What Participants Are Saying

  • Kate’s approach to coaching our organisation on Leadership for Gender Equality was unexpected, yet had excellent outcomes. Rather than focusing on feminist theory, gender equality frameworks, or technical knowledge/skills on how to include Gender Equality in programming, policy or advocacy efforts, Kate worked with our group to help us examine and reflect on our individual and collective biases, traumas/fears and internalised beliefs that can hold us back from ‘leading with purpose’ on Gender Equality. Kate’s leadership training focused on Power and practical strategies/techniques to empower ourselves as transformative leaders, and to empower others to identify their own solutions to a range of Gender Equality challenges. Kate’s training on a ‘7 Question Coaching Framework’ was very useful. As we practiced coaching and being coached, we quickly recognised our own potential to coach others – with neutrality, openness and curiosity – to help promote Gender Equality in multiple ways. Kate’s thoughtful, considered coaching style provided a safe space to share experiences, ideas and learnings throughout the course.

    Training Participant, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

  • This is the first time I have completed focussed work on leadership in gender equality and it was very worthwhile. The topics we discussed, from individual coaching to compounding trauma really enlightened me about the complexities of leadership in GE and how we can maximise our impact. I especially enjoyed the sessions about trauma and how best to look after ourselves in order to be best placed to lead on such an important topic. Kate comes with a wealth of experience and is a very thoughtful facilitator. She challenges participants to develop and stretch themselves, but also ensures that the environment is a safe space.

    Training Participant, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

  • I have grown more aware of my agency in my voice as a young Solomon Island woman and its effectiveness when I understand what I can control and what I can't. As a result of this training I am more vocal in the workspace and with my team by not doubting my decisions so much or waiting for approval or validation that I do not require. I have greater confidence and its showing in my conduct and my output at work. It was refreshing to have a trainer who could help me navigate my experience as an indigenous woman in the workplace. The tools and knowledge I have gained have really helped me.

    Training participant, Solomon Islands


  • 9 x 2-hour live group sessions once a week for 9 weeks (maximum of 10 people in each training).

  • 1 x 60 minute private coaching session to go deeper on an issue of your choice

  • 19 hours of live facilitation with an experienced coach and trainer

  • PDFs of all tools and materials plus recordings of all group training

  • Unlimited support via What’s App group in between training sessions

  • Opportunities to practice using all the tools and materials and receive live feedback

  • Opportunity to learn with likeminded professionals and become part of a supportive group of leaders

  • Certificate of Completion from Resources Reimagined


Kate Wilson is an experienced facilitator and coach specializing in empowering leaders to reimagine their approach to resources, mindset, and social impact.

With over 22 years of experience working with under-resourced communities globally, Kate's career in international development, gender equality, and social inclusion has fueled her passion for creating opportunities and addressing resource disparities.

As a leadership coach, hypnotherapist, and certified trauma support specialist, Kate brings a unique blend of expertise to social change leaders who face their own versions of scarcity. Her mission is to guide leaders in redefining and reimagining the resources available to them, both internally and externally. By supporting personal growth, connecting with individual blueprints for success, and challenging traditional resource norms, Kate helps leaders lead their organizations with greater ease, flow, and impact.


I use a redistributive payment model which means that organizations and individuals with more resources pay more money so that I can fund scholarships for organizations and individuals with less resources. Level 1 and Level 2 rates are higher in order to help cover the costs of Level 3 and Level 4 scholarship rates.

Level 1: $1,500 USD for corporate for profit institutions and their employees.

Level 2: $1000 USD for (a) Non-profits; or (b) individuals who are consultants, freelancers, or otherwise self-employed; or (c) individuals who are employed but self-paying.

Level 3: $800 for individuals who are employed by non-profits but are self-paying.

Level 4 Scholarship: $300 for students and early career professionals who are self-paying. Scholarships are limited. Apply here

Group discounts and payment plans available. Email Kate.

Tailored training for your organization is available on request. Email Kate